
Better Homes And Gardens 20-count Frosted Glass Globe String Lights

It's the most wonderful time of the year  to spread and feel cheer. Here  are activities and crafts that you can try, and charity ideas that will put a twinkle in your eye.

Christmas Activities

Tis the season to partake in fun activities that will bring you and your loved one's  joy.

  • Deck your halls and decorate your home.
    • Check out these holiday decorating schemes.
    • How to decorate your mantel for Christmas.
    • Put on an impressive display with these outdoor decor ideas.
    • Try these clever holiday hacks with household items.
    • Look into these fabulous ideas for holiday tables.
    • Spruce up your spruce with these unique Christmas tree ideas.
    • Discover creative ways to decorate with Christmas ornaments.
    • Get folding withfestive holiday napkin ideas.

  • Host virtual parties with your friends and family  with a fun activity or theme . Everyone will be safe and warm in their own home but  get to catch up while crea ting the s omething together .
    • Decorate ugly sweater s.
    • Have a c ookie decorating party.
    • Make gingerbread  house s together.
  • Have  a dance party  and cue the happy music !
  • Uncover six tips for hosting the best holiday party .
  • Here are some great activities you can do together outside while practicing social distancing
    • Build snow creatures and animals.
    • Meet at the best local hill for sledding.
    • Ice skate at a local rink.
    • Make snow angels.
    • Go snowshoeing or hiking.
    • Build an igloo or snow fort.
  • These clever Christmas hacks  will help you simplify the holidays and enjoy the season.
  • Get into the holiday spirit with these awesome Christmas games .

Jolly Christmas Gift  Ideas

Give a gift that will be sure to make your loved ones  smile . This year  try giving personal gifts or even making your own gifts  for friends and family.

  • Find a glass jar or cute bag and fill it with your loved one's favorite things. Items you may want to include are their favorite candy, something that will remind them of a moment you shared, your favorite photo of you together, and a list of your five favorite things about them.
  • Create a customized calendar using photos of their favorite things.
  • Discover personal and easy crafts with photos  your friends and family will appreciate.
  • Check out these DIY Christmas gifts that will have everyone saying ho-ho-ho !

  • We could all use a little relaxation this holiday season. Create a relaxation kit with some of the following:
    • Create or buy  candles with relaxing scents such as ylang ylang , lavender, or lemon
    • W arm string lights
    • A soft blanket
    • C oloring books
    • Make  coupons such as "two hours of YOU time" and "breakfast in bed" that they can cash in whenever they want
    • Let their  skin shine with  this DIY natural face mask
    • Make them a  lavender eye pillow
    • Everyone loves bath soaks
  • Frame a map of somewhere you went on vacation together and pin  photos from that trip around the map.
  • Photo transfers are personal, homemade, and something your loved one will treasure forever. Just pick the photo they would love and follow these photo transfer  steps.
  • Buy someone an online learning class for something they love. You can find cooking classes, wine tastings, craft classes, acting classes, exercise courses and tons more.
  • Take drinking glasses up a few notches  by etching something personal onto them . All you need is  armor etch , an exacto  knife, masking tape,  and a  set of plain beer glasses, cocktail glasses or whichever drinkware they use. One option would be to tape a stencil to the outside of the glass wherever you want the shape or letter to go. Put on gloves, dip a paint brush into the armor etch and apply a coat on the stencil carefully. Let it sit for 2-3 minutes and then wash off the etching cream and peel off the tape and stencil. You can also use the exacto  knife to cut out a shape, sports logo, or anything you would like out of thick paper and tape that to the glass. Make sure the paper isn't so thin the armor etch will go through it, otherwise just follow the same steps above.
  • Homemade gifts from the heart  and for the stomach. Baking shows you took the time to make your loved ones something tasty. Click here for  delicious Christmas baking recipes .
  • Gift wrappin g tips and tricks:
    • Learn how to wrap a gift with fabric.
    • Top your gifts off with handmade gift bows.
    • When I dip, you dip, we dip dyed gift wrap.
    • Make your own sensational stripes gift wrap.

Christmas Craft s

Yule  love these Christmas craft ideas.

  • Create your own holiday party decorations .
  • Make your Christmas tree shine with easy handmade Christmas ornaments .
  • Let the countdown begin using advent calendars .
  • Rudolph  the red nosed p inecone is easy to make. Use a glue gun to attach either a small red bell or red pom-pom as the nose. Cut diamond shapes out of fabric and pinch and glue together one end to shape it into ears. Twist pipe cleaners into the shape of antlers and glue them on along with goggly  eyes .
  • Create a winter wonderland in your home! Pick one room to focus on. Hang up sparkling string lights that look like stars. Buy white felt that looks like snow and cover the tables and shelves before you put out décor. Cut snowflakes out of paper and hang them all over the room. Spray pinecones with fake snow paint or splatter it with plain white paint so they look nice and frosted. Place silver and white globes in glass vases. Paint your old candlesticks white and place them on the mantle under a frosted garland.
  • Make Christmas  themed DIY mason jar snow globes .
  • On those days it's way too cold outside here are easy indoor crafts for kids .
  • S nowflake craft ideas
    • No two crafts are the same, here is an assortment of snowflake crafts .
    • Glue together popsicle sticks in the shape of a snowflake. Once it's dry paint it white and add silver glitter to make it sparkle. If you don't have paint, wrap a white string around each stick and make sure no part of the popsicle stick is showing.
    • For a more natural snowflake, try this DIY natural wood snowflake .
    • Draw a few snowflakes onto a thick piece of paper and then carefully cut them out using an exacto  knife. Attach the snowflakes to an old vase and then paint the entire vase. Once it's dry, take off the snowflakes. For an extra pop, place a candle inside and watch the light shine through the snowflakes.
  • Learn how to make perler  bead snowflakes .
  • Get cozy and toasty with this DIYweighted blanket .

Christmas R ecipes

All I want for Christmas are  these scrumptious treats.

  • Check out these four delicious hot chocolate  recipes. For a snowman marshmallow  topper ,  stick 3 marshmallows together using toothpicks. Using chocolate pipe 3 small buttons on the middle marshmallow and eyes and a smile on the top marshmallow. Give  the snowman a cute little  nose  using a candy corn . For arms and legs use pretzel sticks.
  • Take a sip and say ahhh  with these eggnog recipes .
  • Winter is snow laughing matter. Warm up with these winter drink recipes .
  • Hot potato these crispy potatoes with rosemary salt  are tasty.
  • You will be stuffed and happy after eating these buttered stuffing with mushrooms .
  • Ham  for the holidays.
  • Enjoy making and eating these Santa  sugar cookie cutouts .
  • Make your favorite pie or cake in a round pan. After you cut it into slices decorate them to look like Santa's hat. Pipe red icing over the entire triangle slice. Then simple pipe a white ball on the top corner and the hat rim on the outside edge.
  • Don't miss out on thisChristm a s pudding recipe.
  • These mouthwatering brown butter snickerdoodle cookie cups are 10/10.

Ways to Give Back

This holiday season open your heart and discover several ways you can make a difference.

  • Teach your children the significance of charity. Do something generous . Donate your time  or items , listen to someone in need, or reach out to those less fortunate .
  • A lot of parents are trying to work and teach at the same time  and are feeling overwhelmed. Offer tutoring services to kids that need help.
  • Make or donate gifts to those in will not be able to afford their own this year.
  • Dress up as Santa to bring some holiday cheer to those that are near!
  • Create and write Christmas cards to people in nursing homes since they aren't allowed to have visitors. You could also send them a basket with cookies or  games.

Click here to view all the Season of Sharing articles.

Better Homes And Gardens 20-count Frosted Glass Globe String Lights


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