Which Of These Statements About The Evolutionary Tree Of Animals Is Incorrect?
Detailed knowledge well-nigh the Animal Evolution MCQs .Knowledge nearly the adaptations and modern concepts.

ane. Which of the following are NOT involved in animal mimicry ?
A. Camouflage
B. Looking similar a poisonous animal
C. Mocking the behavior of a poisonous animal
D. All of these answers are correct
ii. An animal can be blend in surrounding past using ?
A. Migration
B. Hibernation
C. Prey
D. Camouflage
3. Animals can camouflage because ?
A. To hunt or hibernate
B. For fun
C. To sleep
D. None
4. The force that initiates development is ______ ?
A. Variation
B. Mutation
C. Extinction
D. Adaptation
5. Which of the following is a vestigial organ ?
A. Abdominal villi
B. Papillae
C. Vermiform appendix
D. None of the in a higher place
six. The concluding common ancestor of humans is ?
A. Pan troglodytes
B. Man neanderthalensis
C. Lemuroidea
D. Dromaeosaurus
7. An example of convergent development is ?
A. Wing of Hawkmoths, the wing of hawks
B. Teeth of domestic dog, teeth of a wolf
C. Wings of Geospiza magnirostris, wings of Geospiza fortis
D. None of the above
eight. Which of the post-obit is true of fossils ?
A. They are remains of past organisms
B. They tin can be a footprint.
C. They accept been preserved by nature
D. All answers are correct.
9. When minerals from sediment supplant an organism's tissues, which type of fossilization has occurred ?
A. Per mineralization
B. cast
C. mold
D. trace
ten. Which of the following methods of fossil formation is formed when an organism is preserved in hardened tree sap?
A. Bister fossil
B. Carbonization
C. Casts and molds
D. Freezing
xi. Who proposed the recapitulation theory?
A. Darwin
B. Lamarck
C. Von baer
D. Margulis
12. Recapitulation theory ways ?
A. Development of an individual organism
B. Evolutionary history
C. Replay
D. All of these
13. Gradual evolution of something is ?
A. Beingness
B. Development
C. Revolution
D. Ecosystem
14. Written report of different species evidence shut resemblance in their anatomy is ?
A. Homology
B. Heterology
C. Cytology
D. Ichthyology
fifteen. Sudden change in DNA is chosen equally ?
A. Development
B. Genetics
C. Mutation
D. None
16. Bird wings and butterfly wings are an example of ?
A. Homologous construction
B. Analogous structure
C. Mimicry
D. Camoflague
17. Analogues structures are ?
A. Dissimilar anatomy
B. Similar Functions
C. Herited characters
D. Related speiecs
xviii. The differences amongst a species, like different bird beaks, are called ?
A. genes
B. variations
C. traits
D. theories
19. Initiating force of development is ?
A. Variation
B. Mutation
C. Genes
D. Traits
20. When population suddenly reduced its no of individual called as ?
A. Clogging outcome
B. Natural choice
C. Lamarckism
D. All
21. Amidst muslim scientists Father of evolution is known as ?
A. Lamarck
B. Darwin
C. Wallace
D. Mendel
22. Evolution is word of linguistic communication ?
A. Greek
B. Latin
C. Great britain
D. Germen
23. Which aspect of Lamarck's theory is incorrect ?
A. Development works at the population level
B. Acquired traits are inherited by offspring
C. New species evolved from previous species
D. DNA is the mechanism for inheritance
24. Which of the following are Not involved in animal mimicry ?
A. Camouflage
B. Looking similar a poisonous animal
C. Mocking the behavior of a poisonous animate being
D. All of these answers are correct
25. An example of industrial melanism is ?
A. Mutation
B. Neo Darwinism
C. Neo Lamarckism
D. Natural selection
26. In Lamarck'due south view, the fundamental of organic evolution is that each progeny ?
A. shows struggle for being
B. characters acquired by parental generation are inherited
C. is similar to its parents
D. phylogeny is repeated in its ontogeny
27. On the Origin of Species was written by ______ ?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Ludmila Kuprianova
C. Mikhail A. Fedonkin
D. ItuhbunaLawraga
28. This is a well-nigh pop example of Lamarck ?
A. Primrose
B. Snakes
C. African Giraffe
D. Both (b) and (c)
29. Acquired characteristics of Lamarck are not inherited and take an evolutionary value. Who gave this statement?
A. Weismann
B. Hugo de Vries
C. Thursday Morgan
D. Charles Darwin
30. Who stated this theory – organ in use will develop and if not used will weaken to turn vestigial ?
A. Mendel
B. De Vries
C. Darwin
D. Lamarck
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Source: https://iubians.com/2021/06/animal-evolution-mcqs-with-answers.html
Posted by: barrientosproself.blogspot.com
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